The Fell Clutch of Circumstance

A blog detailing a road trip by two brothers from Seattle to Albuquerque. There will be beer!

Wednesday, July 01, 2009

Thunder and License Plates

Well, this morning we wake up in downtown OK City, right next to the Ford Center where NBA's Thunder play. Which I find ironic, given that we've been listening a lot to Bill Simmons who, in honor of Sonics fans who had their team hijacked and moved here, refuses to call the Thunder by their actual name. (Note that this Google search still shows the Thunders URL as

The other irony is that the only other trouble we had on the road yesterday was a driving rainstorm that looked like it was two whispers away from a tornado. Stuff was flying across the road, construction barrels were turned over, a semi parked itself under an overpass, and I swear I saw Helen Hunt drive by in the opposite lane. John may have gotten some good shots of lightning, and we were rewarded with a rainbow in OK City. If the pix come out, we'll see if we can post them in here.

Lastly, I want to have a running tab of interesting license plates we see. Yesterday's winner: WARPIG 9 from PA. Apparently WARPIGs one through eight were taken. What a disappointment for that guy!



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