Dude, keep your eyes on the prize
Just relax, and remember, a nice cold beer is at the end of the rainbow. Or the end of the interstate. Something like that.
So, what, you're not into fitting in with the locals? Me, I see it as kind of a personal challenge. Sure, there's no way I'm going to grow an afro and a smoker's rasp overnight, but if I can avoid being a poster boy for Stuff White People Like, I consider that a notch in my coolness belt. I've only got like two notches now, so I'll take what I can get. Of course, not getting mugged or killed is also high on the priority list.
Glad to know that we're booked in some digs. My last two cross-country trips we just "winged it" in terms of accommodations. I like having a set destination in mind instead.
No gun rack needed, but I have a few comedy albums by the immortally un-PC Doug Stanhope and doughboy Jim Gaffigan. If you're interested in those, let me know and I'll rig 'em up.
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