The Fell Clutch of Circumstance

A blog detailing a road trip by two brothers from Seattle to Albuquerque. There will be beer!

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Determining the Crap Bands is Half the Fun

That's the whole point. There could be an extensive discussion on some groups. How do you identify a crap band in the first place? I think it can be tricky. Maybe we could just halve the points for bands that are on the fence.

Personally, I think Huey's borderline. I definitely liked them, but stopped short of buying an album. What's the worst song they have? Hip to be Square maybe? That's a pretty terrible song. Or maybe that duet he did with Paltrow? That song makes me want to slit my wrists and do pushups in a bath of acid.

I like the idea of discussing how to merge bands, but I don't have anywhere near as much insight as you do as to which of these musicians have a whole lot of talent individually. So that might last maybe a half hour or something.


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