The Fell Clutch of Circumstance

A blog detailing a road trip by two brothers from Seattle to Albuquerque. There will be beer!

Monday, April 27, 2009

So what's the verdict?

I'm assuming your weekend was as productive as mine. I put down anti-grub granules on the lawn, framed out the bathroom door with Grampa Al's help, and finally got my Ubuntu Linux box working. But I'm dying to know about the iPod. Clearly the cigarette lighter is for power, but without an "iTrip" add-on, I'm not sure how we'll get to both hear a podcast over the stereo. Again, perhaps we can play mp3's burned to a CD through the stereo.

I'm sure you have all the answers. That is, unless you actually had the time to watch this classic Bulls-Celtics matchup. If you did, consider yourself lucky - I was barely able to sneak a peak in between "wrestle time" and "monster trucks". Not that there's anything wrong with that!


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