The Fell Clutch of Circumstance

A blog detailing a road trip by two brothers from Seattle to Albuquerque. There will be beer!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Highland Brewery: You had me at Kashmir

John, you told me Asheville was cool, but you never mentioned WHY. You should know that any brewer whose IPA shares a name with a Led Zeppelin song would seal the deal for me. So never mind Nashville vs. Memphis, that pretty much settles it for me.

(Of course, I totally agree about the "country vs blues" point you made. Although I'm probably much more tolerant of country than you are, the chances of the Grand Ole Opry hosting a show that I would be interested in are about 1 in 12,998.)

So that brings me back to my earlier point: we need to push beyond Amarillo on the first day so we can actually enjoy Memphis. Otherwise we'll be toast.

Since I got so sick of re-typing in our stops into Google Maps, I went ahead and made a custom map with some of the times noted. It's far from finished but it's a good start. Check it out and if you want to make your own notes in it, send me an e-mail from a Gmail account.

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